Archived on 02 February, 2024 (7 months ago)
Company Logo for Tulip

Tulip is hiring a

Machine Learning & Computer Vision

Job Description

Build end-to-end ML and CV products to track and extract valuable insights from raw data, interact with clients to solve real-world problems with data.




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02 January, 2024 (8 months ago)
Do you want to help transform manufacturing? We are building the best team in the industry to bring consumer-grade user experiences to a space dominated by ancient enterprise technology. Our platform enables our customers to create apps without code and to connect their apps to machines, sensors and smart tools. These augmented production lines would otherwise rely on paper to share information. We have offices in Somerville, MA, Munich, Germany and Budapest, Hungary. We just closed a $100m series C and are using that capital to grow dramatically. Our customers include some of the largest manufacturers in the world across numerous verticals of the manufacturing industry.
This job is archived, but you can still apply.
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