
We're building a never-before-seen way to declare, run, and scale an ensemble of ML models. You'll get to build a deep understanding of this fast-evolving space, design greenfield developer interfaces and infrastructure, and co-create the culture of what could become a generational company. Because we're building an ambitious developer product, we're extremely selective with early hires. We're looking for engineers who are extraordinarily meticulous about the foundations, really sweat the details when designing interfaces, abstractions, and infrastructure, and are willing to wear the many hats we'll need to scale this business. Our founding team is a group of friends that have known each other for the last decade since meeting at Venmo in 2013. Rob (CEO) was the founding engineer at Substack, Smalltalk, and Fin.com. He’s been hacking on GPU pipelines for years, and built AI features for startups before realizing he should be building reusable infra instead. Ben (Cofounder) spent the last 8+ years at Stripe, where he led mobile and was the founding engineer on Stripe Terminal. Liam (founding engineer) spent the last 8 years at Grailed, recently acquired by GOAT. We've raised a large seed round from notable VCs, the founders of Vercel, Venmo, Substack, and others.