Company Logo for Carl Zeiss SMT/SMS

Carl Zeiss SMT/SMS

Zeiss SMT is the leader in extreme engineering optics for semiconductor manufacturing. We come up every so often on HN as leaders in EUV optics manufacturing for ASML scanners. SMS is a branch of SMT concerned with standalone tooling for quality assurance and defect inspection in semiconductor fabs (tools like the AIMS EUV or PROVE systems, for example). We bring complete solutions to the hypercompetitive market that is the semiconductor industry. The scale is vast – the work you can be involved in ranges from simulations at the nanometer to how to ship tools via using Boeing 747(s). Software (and extremely diligent/precise engineering… honestly it blows my mind regularly) underpins everything we do and spans the same vastness of scale. We (Zeiss SMT, but also SMS where I work) are hiring in pretty much every IT field as we modernize systems, upgrade legacy code, and build cutting-edge new tools and platforms to remain at the front of the field. Specifically interesting to HN (I think) is my team, which works on developing extremely fast physics simulation and data processing code utilizing classical algorithms, machine learning, and AI, all on premise. We also build and maintain the hardware (HPC clusters) to enable these developments.